David McPhail Inteviewed at FabTech on Manufacturing Talk Radio
David does a fantastic job educating the hosts on MTConnect as well as Memex Automation’s ability to talk to ANYTHING on the shop floor. David puts everything in the language that everyone inside or outside of manufacturing can easily understand and appreciate. David talks about MTConnect at the beginning and really gets into specifics at the end of the interview.
I thought the interviewers did an outstanding job in the types of questions asked as well as the follow up questions.
David brings out a very important metric. If you ask a shop or plant what their utilization is, invariably they will state something in the area of 65%. When you actually come in and measure it, the number is more like 27% to 32% That is a HUGE difference! As David states, “if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it.”
To visit Dave Edstrom’s blog, please click here.