Cisco Joined MTConnect as a Technical Advisor Group Member in March 2015
Dave Edstrom, CTO Memex Automation, blogs about the good news of Cisco joining MTConnect as a technical advisor.
This is GREAT news for MTConnect and the world of manufacturing!
Note: I received permission from Cisco to both use their logo and and to state Cisco joined MTConnect.
Making the IOT a Reality and the Role of MTConnect
“Cisco leads the world in networking technology and coined the term the Internet of Things (IoT). Cisco CEO John Chambers has stated that the IoT market will generate an astounding $14 trillion in value over the next decade. As a September 2014 Network World article stated, “IoT is the intelligent connectivity of smart devices, expected to drive massive gains in efficiency, business growth and quality of life. In other words, when objects can sense each other and communicate, it changes how and where and who makes decisions about our physical world.” MTConnect is an enabling technology for IoT in manufacturing. Cisco as a new member of the MTConnect Institute is looking to participate in the rapidly growing community of Machine Builders and manufacturers who find tremendous value in the MTConnect model. In this talk, Bryce Barnes will discuss Cisco’s IoT and manufacturing vision, real life examples of IoT, and the value of MTConnect to manufacturing in this rapidly converging world of connected things.”
To view Dave Edstrom’s blog, please click here.